Welfarists/regulationists are desperate to
deflect our criticism of their advocacy when their advocacy falls short
of condemning the exploitation of others. They insist that this
criticism is tantamount to "infighting" and that it should thus be
disregarded or dismissed as baseless whinging or nitpicking. They insist
that it interferes with The Movement's integrity and solidarity and
that it sets The Movement back. They say
that our criticism of advocacy that doesn't plainly condemn animal use
somehow gobbles up valuable time and energy and thus harms other
animals. Welfarists/regulationists try to shame abolitionist animal
rights activists into shutting up about teaching/asking/begging others
to reject animal exploitation and to go vegan. When we don't shut up,
they sometimes even go so far as to insist to the non-vegan public that
our teaching/asking/begging them to go vegan is unreasonable and
extremist--that they should dismiss us, too. We're just pesky
trouble-makers, after all.
The undeniable truth which I think
we need to face at this point is that we are, in fact, two separate
movements. One movement seems somehow too mired in its own speciesism to
accept that other animals simply aren't ours to use. If its members do
see this, it's most certainly not reflected in their advocacy. The
second movement--my movement and hopefully *your* movement--consists of
individuals who respect the rights and interests of others to not be
exploited and and of comrades who accept that the very least we owe
those others is to use veganism as a starting point for our own choices,
as well as for our advocacy work.
As for accusations that
criticism of welfarism/regulationism is "hurting The Movement"? Which
movement? The welfarist/regulationist movement? So what? As long as they
continue to promote the myth of "happy" animal exploitation, applaud
so-called flexitarianism and teach the public that not eating flesh one
day a week--or shuffling out one animal product for another--is somehow
morally relevant, they're teaching the public that some other animals
are more OK to exploit than others and we're left struggling to undo
this damage. We're focused on teaching people to go vegan as a starting
point, while they drag them several steps back, telling them that
veganism is just one of the several things they can do. Why on earth
would we not want to criticize, interfere with or "hurt" a movement
which facilitates and often encourages and applauds the continued use of
other sentient beings?
I truly hope that our criticism does indeed hurt
their movement and that instead of constantly having to undo the damage
they cause, we can instead focus 100% of our own time and energy on
spreading a clear vegan message. Hopefully some of them will hear it too
and eventually come 'round and join in. Until then, we should allow
nobody to shame us into shutting up on behalf of other animals.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
A Few Thoughts on Conflating External Criticism with Infighting
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Thursday, January 31, 2013