Monday, May 30, 2011

What's Cooking?

Whenever I come across new or prospective vegans online who express concern over not knowing what to prepare to eat for themselves, or who worry about lacking variety in what they do prepare, I'm glad that I always have dozens of links on hand to share. I had a discussion with someone a few days ago who'd expressed to me what a shame he feels it is that there are "so very many vegan food blogs" but "not enough vegan education blogs". The truth is that these many vegan food blogs do provide heaps of education about how to prepare delicious vegan meals. Many of them also touch upon nutrition or discuss vegan products which aren't food-related. They communicate to their readers that going vegan leaves you with so many wonderful options to explore when it comes to healthy (as well as absolutely decadent) eating -- and they do it with so much enthusiasm! Here's a collection of links to recipes that some of my favourite food bloggers have featured during the past few weeks:


Just in time for what seems to be an abundance of cheap fresh pineapple at my local grocery store, Claire from
Chez Cayenne has posted a simple recipe for Pineapple Salsa. She also posted a yummy-sounding and easy to make Grilled Pineapple recipe a few weeks ago (see photo from her blog at right) that I look forward to trying out this weekend. Just yesterday, Joel Luks recommended to me on Twitter that I add frozen cubes of pineapple to smoothies, which sounds really delicious. Add to this that Allyson at Manifest Vegan shared a recipe for gluten-free Pineapple Walnut Muffins just a few days ago, so the list of things to make just grows and grows. It's funny, but just a month ago, I'd never purchased and eaten an actual pineapple. I'd always had it canned and pre-cut and today I've got four sitting on my kitchen counter -- yum! (If I've missed really good pineapple-related posts on any other vegan food blogs, please do let me know.)

Oh My!

I love scanning through the latest updates on the blogs I follow and stumbling upon posts that leave me a little wide-eyed. It usually happens when someone shares a recipe that stands out in some way or another -- either because it sounds wickedly indulgent, terribly delicious or just plain old different. The Vegan Fried Pickles Meg posted about at The Snarky Chickpea definitely caught my eye (see photo from her blog at right). Last week's Deep Fried Strawberries by Lee over at The Vegan Version are definitely something I'd whip up as a decadent dessert for the right guest. So would the Choclava Mini-Tarts posted by Robin Robertson on her blog Vegan Planet -- after all, who can resist chocolate and baklava? Kelly Garbato's Creamy Vegan Mac & Cheese Pizza at The Perfect Pizza Press looks like a veritable carb-on-carb feast worthy of a movie night with friends. She shares her own recipe for it, but states that you can just take your favourite vegan mac & cheese recipe, heap it on pizza dough and then bake it until it's done.

Traveling Vegans

Laura Jill has been documenting her recent trip to China with stories and with scrumptious food photos. Take a look at her recent posts at LJ's Veganlicious Life to get an eyeful.

New (To Me) Websites

Speaking of gluten-free recipes, I recently discovered a new site which offers up plenty of them while also featuring baking and dining out tips, tutorials, product reviews and more. It's called xgfx and is run by the aforementioned Manifest Vegan's Allyson Kramer, happyveganface blogger Jessy Farrell and Cake Maker to the Stars blogger Kittee Berns. It's definitely worth exploring and bookmarking, whether you're avoiding gluten or not so go have a look.

Back in March, Leinana Two Moons (of Vegan Good Things) started up a blog called Vegan Sandwiches, asking readers to submit photos of their... favourite vegan sandwiches (or wraps and so forth). There hasn't been an update in a few weeks and I hope that it's still going. Why not pop over and submit a pic this week to see if it will help to keep it going?

Bring 'Em Back!

I do so very much wish that one of my favourite recipe blogs,
Vegan for the People, was still updated regularly; it's been inactive for almost a year now. It's a great archive of interesting recipe ideas -- often just things thrown together quickly that worked out beautifully, entertaining stories, gorgeous photos and product reviews -- but I want more! His posts covered everything from what he'd concocted with simple leftovers to recipes for things like Stuffed Zucchini Squash Blossoms and Somali Sambusas. I can't help but wonder if Mike K. is doing any other recipe writing elsewhere? Anyone know?

I've also been missing Melissa's posts over at The Papaya Chronicles. I love making (and devouring) her Leftover Potpie and her Three Sisters Stew. Melissa? Are you coming back to blog some more?

What are some of your favourite vegan food blogs? Please share them with everyone below!

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