Friday, May 13, 2011

What This Vegan Eats

I went on a huge fruit and kale kick this past week. Here are a some photos of a few things I ended up devouring:

My fruit basket overflowed a few days ago. Some of what I nabbed and ate (raw or cooked)? Cantaloupe, bananas, tomatoes, sweet potato, tangelos, avocado, mangoes, mandarin oranges, lemon and limes.

Kale, tomatoes and shredded carrots tossed with a balsamic vinaigrette, piled around quinoa (prepared with a pinch of turmeric) and topped with avocado wedges.

A tofu wrap: Tofu marinaded in a bit of soy with powdered chipotle, pan-fried with Spanish onions, mushrooms, green peppers and some salsa. Avocados and cherry tomatoes and a smear of Vegenaise.

Pinto bean soup with potatoes, carrots and zucchini. Seasoned with powdered chipotle (the stuff is marvelous!) and crushed garlic.

Raw kale tossed with cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and scallions. Tossed with a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar flavoured with a bit of Dijon mustard.

The kale salad went well with carrots and potatoes mashed with crushed garlic, nutritional yeast and a bit of Vegenaise.

Oven-roasted red potatoes, carrots and zucchini (drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice).

Those were just some of the things I prepared. Breakfast sometimes involved things like fruit smoothies with a spoonful of nut butter and some flax, old-fashioned or steel cut oats with almond milk and fresh, dried or frozen fruit -- or even sometimes just soup. Lunch invariably consisted of a huge salad comprised of an endless assortment of vegetables and legumes, or of leftovers on hand. The bottom line is that it doesn't take a whole lot of work to slap together delicious and nutritious food and it's easy to do so without involving the consumption of non-human animals or their products in the process.


  1. I love ataulfo mangoes!! I've been enjoying them here lately too (Saskatchewan) and it's glorious.

    Everything looks super yum, especially the tofu wrap. But I love anything tofu, and anything wrapped. :)

  2. That's what they're called! Thank you! They were on sale at the grocery store and I picked up a couple, never having seen them before. They're quite good. :-)

  3. Ooohh! Everything looks so tasty. I have been eating kind of unhealthy lately and need to get back on track with fresh fruit everyday.

  4. Yeah, I like them way better than regular mangoes. If you let them get bright yellow and soft-ish (kinda like avocados!) they are the yummiest.


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