Saturday, June 05, 2010

What Vegans Eat

Things have been quiet here the past three weeks thanks to a much-needed vacation this wee blogger took to do some traveling around the eastern United States with her favourite American. I hope to offer up a couple of blog posts concerning it over the next week since much time was spent exploring vegan options in Maine and Pennsylvania. First, however, I'd like to get caught up on what others have been doing online this past month, starting with a peek at some of my favourite food blogs...

I love simple-to-make finger foods -- particularly ones that don't require hovering over the stove too much during these warm summer months. Several weeks ago, I picked up some rice paper for the first time ever and tweeted a request for filling suggestions, and then spent a few days having a blast playing with different ingredients. Yesterday, while catching up on internet goings on, I was quite glad to see that Anna from
Carrot and Potato Time had recently blogged about rolls. I also got excited upon finding a recipe for Green Curry Summer Rolls on the VeganDad blog, as well as a recipe for Raw Spring Rolls on the Vegan Epicurean blog -- both just from this past week.

I should also mention that last week while on vacation, I noticed that Claire over at
Chez Cayenne had posted a recipe and photo of what appear to be absolutely scrumptious Baked Tempeh Spring Rolls. I hope to make these over the weekend if I can find some vegan spring roll wrappers at the grocery store!

Speaking of filled things, cookbook author Dreena Burton tossed around some
suggestions for what you can stuff into a wrap a few days ago on her eat, drink & be vegan blog. She mentioned using sprouted grain Ezekiel wraps, which I try to get from time to time since they are so delicious. They're a bit more pricey than other store-bought wraps, but are free of the preservatives you'll usually find in regular wraps, so they're good for you on more than one level. I usually find them in the freezer at the local health food store.

Speaking of wraps, I'll wrap this up (groan!) by reminding everyone to check in on NZ Vegan Podcast host Elizabeth Collins' ongoing Flickr project,
"What this NZ vegan eats". The photos will surely mesmerize you into trying the many recipes to which Ms. Collins ever so kindly links!

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