Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What Vegans Eat

OK, so it's two "What Vegans Eat" posts in a month. What can I say? I have food on the brain and food bloggers I follow have been cooking like mad. I can't help but share some of the things that caught my attention:

Krista over at
Disposable Aardvarks Inc. has been posting more photos of the bento meals she prepares for her family, sharing logs of what she consumes and reviewing restaurants in the Boston area. Check out her latest post from just yesterday.

Batgirl at
Veganincognito recently shared a recipe for "The Best Blended Salsa of All Time".

Over at
This Busy (Happy!) Vegan, Allison posted about her love of DIY vegan pizza. I'm a homemade pizza fan, myself. With the right tasty toppings, it's actually become pretty irrelevant to me whether the pizza is cheeseless, or topped with homemade or store-bought cheese subs. Although sometimes I'll shred some Follow Your Heart mozzarella over it or add a bit of nutritional yeast "melty cheeze" sauce, I just as often add a few dollops of hummus or just nothing at all except the sauce and vegetable toppings. Favourite toppings of mine include: bell peppers (green, yellow or red), zucchini, red onion, crushed garlic, spinach, hot banana or jalapeno peppers (fresh or pickled), olives (green or red), broccoli, pineapple, sundried tomatoes, kale and capers--but not all together!

Melissa from
The Papaya Chronicles posted a delicious recipe for "Three Sisters Stew" a few days ago, complete with suggestions for different variations on it depending on the ingredients at your disposal or your taste preferences. I made it yesterday and loved it!

Vegan Mafia blog continues to offer upbeat product and Salt Lake City restaurant reviews, quick meal ideas, and the occasional mention of the ever elusive and lovely pooch Darby.

Since no "What Vegans Eat" post feel write without the inclusion of something sweet and decadent to round things out, I'll refer you to Jessy's happyveganface blog, where last last month she posted a recipe for "Gluten-Free Chunky Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies". Enjoy!

If you have any vegan food blog recommendations, recipe requests or vegan cooking advice questions, please feel free to ask away by leaving a comment. I'll do my best to answer or lure in someone else in who'd be better able to weigh in.


  1. Thanks for mentioning me, M! I'm glad you liked the stew - it really is awesome, isn't it?

  2. I loved the stew and love plugging your blog. :-D

  3. I'm totally makin those GF cookies from happyveganface next time my sister visits.
    Thanks for the food roundup! :-)

  4. Hi there! Happy to find your blog. Your commentaries made some very interesting reading! You do have a way with words! Not sure whether you have had the chance to come across Indian vegans. I am a vegan from India actually where veganism is slowly but steadily gaining attention. Encouraged by this tread and my own commintement to veganism, alongwith my friends I have opened a blog called Vegan India! Our objective is to share stories of vegan products and services available in India. Hope you can check out our blog sometime :) Vegan India! is hosted at vegan-india.blogspot.com.


Thanks for the comment! It will be posted once it has been eyeballed.