Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Link Updates

I just wanted to take a second to mention recent link updates for the "Ethics of Consumption and Otherwise" list on My Face Is on Fire. I've recently added:
  • Ánima (Spanish/Portuguese/English)

I've also added the following two links to the "Vegan Cooking and Nutrition" links:

(If any of these sites belong to you and I've misnamed them, please do leave a comment or drop me a line at m.of.the.maritimes at Thanks!)


  1. Ooooh, thanks for the Spanish ones - i live in Barcelona!

  2. thanks for your support Myléne!

  3. Thanks for your great work, Mylène!
    Vegan abolitionist regards!

  4. Thanks, Pablo and Lou!

    Cavall de Quer: I'm going to update my links over the next few days to indicate the languages of the sites. I'd never thought about that up until yesterday, but there are a few others that have Spanish content (as well as other languages) and I'm sure that there are others out there I haven't discovered yet, mostly because of my own weak grasp of Spanish (which I hope to change over the next few months).

    P. S. You may also enjoy the Spanish version of Elizabeth Collins' NZ Vegan Podcast. It's NZ Vegano Podcast:

  5. Thank you very much - there's ever more material here but some of it (like everywhere, I guess) is a little wobbly on facts and not perhaps straight down the line. I'll look that podcast up and pass it on.


Thanks for the comment! It will be posted once it has been eyeballed.