Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Let The Boston Globe Know that The So-Called "Vegan Cook's Bible" Isn't Vegan

Pat Crocker's crept into the news again (well, into a newspaper, anyway). The Boston Globe's T. Susan Chang reviewed The Vegan Cook's Bible today. Chang calls Crocker "a fearless cook who is not afraid to use a complete arsenal of techniques to generate drama on the plate". What she neglects to mention, however, is that (as was discussed here a month ago), part of Pat Crocker's arsenal includes honey as an optional sweetener. Heck, she even lauds the consumption of fish at the end of her book. Chang obviously misses the point about veganism by referring to herself as having become a "reluctant and temporary vegan" during the five days she spent testing the book's recipes on her family. She also misses the point about veganism by advising her readers at the end of her article: "[I]f you're already vegan, there’s plenty here you’ll like".

You can leave a comment on The Boston Globe's website at the end of Chang's review of The Vegan Cook's Bible.


  1. Today's lesson: do not mess with Mylène ;)

    By the way, if you don't want to register to leave a comment on the website, you can contact the Boston Globe at comments [at] and request that they make a correction to the review. (That's what I did.)

  2. Mihl, I agree.

    Kelly, I ended up doing the same since I couldn't access any of my email accounts at the time and figured registration would involve a confirmation email. Hopefully, if enough people write, they'll actually make the correction.

    I'm really not a meanie. I just really loathe unapologetic inconsistency and the misrepresentation of veganism. Growr! :-)

  3. Commented:

    Silly, fluff pieces like this are part of why the general public regards veganism as some sort of massive chore. The simple reality is that in the US, Europe and nearly everywhere else, being vegan is remarkably easy. It's just about making choices. Given that we have a wealth of non-animal foods readily available presenting veganism as a massive chore (or "virtuous eating" as something you can try on for a week or two and then discard) is ridiculously silly.

    Further, the book *isn't even vegan*. Several recipes call for honey as an "optional sweetener." Animal products aren't *optional* for vegans.

  4. Babble, if you haven't done so yet, check out my previous post about it and see what Crocker had to say concerning the whole thing. It was unbelievable, really.

  5. I went and commented on the actual piece, itself, this morning. I figure that if they don't make a correction, that at the very least, anyone reading the article who may scan the comments will be forewarned.

  6. Hey Mylène,

    I did go read the original post, and the comments that followed - I thought Ms. Crocker's response was fairly self-serving and ridiculous.

    It was as if she expected that this book she'd written wasn't actually going to be READ by anybody, and she could pass the whole thing off as being "misquoted" by "the media."

    I mean, really. You wrote it, diva. Stand by what you said. But don't in essence *lie* about it when getting caught in that lie is as simple as, say, BUYING YOUR BOOK.

  7. reviews on amazon uk.........;)

  8. Not that I want to drag this back up, but heck. I'm not above admitting to my primadonna tendencies. Hehe.

    Now then: it occurs to me just now that Ms. Crocker may think that veganism is a diet, and like ALL diets, we vegans must have our built-in "cheat" days.

    Veganism is not a diet. I don't know how many ways we need to tell this to people before they'll listen.

    It's not a diet.
    It's not a diet.
    It's not a diet.


Thanks for the comment! It will be posted once it has been eyeballed.