Thursday, November 06, 2008

How to Take Care of People and Bikes

I've been trying to figure out how to fix the blog up a bit so that it looks better. I'm not a fan of clutter, so one of the things I've been fretting over are the links off to the side. There's a whole heap of them. Some of them lead to invaluable information and some would probably just be better off as bookmarks for me. So in trying to figure how to trim and rearrange my links lists, I've ended up -- not-so-surprisingly -- finding even more links to add. For now, I'll just share them here until I've figured out whether they're keepers. Many of them are geared towards skills acquisition or low-tech alternatives to things we usually take for granted in the age of cheap fossil fuels.

For instance, I found a free online book called Where There is no Dentist which contains information on how to treat mouth-related problems in a setting where the services of a dentist aren't available. Of course, you still need to have certain supplies on hand, including dentists tools. I'm no dentist, so I can't vouch for the information. It comes from a non-profit org called Health Wrights, which works to advance health, basic rights, self-determination and social justice in have-not countries. Another group called The Hesperian Foundation (or Hesperian) which is "a non-profit publisher of books and newsletters for community-based healthcare" has similar books called Where There is no Doctor and A Book for Midwives. Here's a link to all of their free book downloads.

Of particular interest to me right now was to find some information on bicycle repairs. Whenever anything goes wrong with my bike, which is my primary source of transportation and exercise, it seems that said bike invariable ends up in the shop for a minimum of 24 hours and I end up having to fork over anywhere from $35 to $100. So? It's in my best interest right now to learn how to repair my own bike. Additionally, as oil supplies continue to diminish in the future and this cost downturn we're experiencing now ends up being nothing but a nostalgic memory, things like bicycles will become invaluable when it comes to transportation over short distances. Possessing basic maintenance and fix-it skills will be vital. The Bicycle Tutor site features over 40 videos on everything from how to check for chain wear to how to true your own wheels. The site also has a links section that lists over a dozen other websites that teach you about bike repair.


  1. I like the new look of the site. I too have been thinking about trying to make our blog look a little more "spiffy" and organized, but alas, I haven't gotten around to it.

    Those are great links about bicycle repair. For us, walking is our primary mode of transportation, with the local bus system being secondary. We have lots of bike paths, lanes, and trails around here, but honestly, I am intimidated. Drivers around here are so rude to bicyclists! I will have to get over that eventually though. If I had a bike, I could bike to work as opposed to riding the bus. If I were to try to walk to work, it would take me an hour each way.

  2. Hi,

    My name is Tearrie and I am the assistant publicist at Hesperian. I came across your blog today via google alerts and I just wanted to say thank you for linking to our website and spreading the word about our organization. I also wanted to let you know that our Spanish website has been officially launched. You can check it out at .



Thanks for the comment! It will be posted once it has been eyeballed.