Friday, May 02, 2008

Even more flood pics from May 1

I had to sneak in a pic of my beloved trusty bike. This was taken by Officer's Pond, formerly known as Officer's Square before the Saint John River spilled into it.

Just a few feet away, a couple of kids were indulging themselves in -- uh -- water sports with their own bikes.

Someone over at the Crowne Plaza must have had a chuckle leaving this up.


  1. AnonymousMay 03, 2008

    hello there.

    just stumbled across your blog while uploading my own pictures to show friends what we're wading through these days, and was i ever surprised to find a fellow vegan in fredericton. so just thought i'd say hello, and that your photos are great. hope you're keeping your feet dry.


  2. Hi (and thanks)!

    I've only ever known two other vegetarians here, and they've both gone back to eating animals. I keep meaning to try to start some sort of group, hoping it'll bring folks out of the woodwork.

    I think the woman who runs True Food Organics is vegan, actually. At least she told me that she was a couple of years ago.

    Do you have a blog? You mention uploading pictures.

  3. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    Hello again (and, you're welcome!),

    i've been wanting to start a group, too. i just moved here recently for work and am missing the social ease of my former home. am thinking that once the weather gets nice i might try to organize a bi-weekly potluck picnic in the park, or else in my backyard. would you be interested? i have a couple vegan-food-loving omni friends who i cook for regularly, and who have already enthusiastically "signed up" and would love to get a good sized gang together (as visions of kite-flying and veggie eating and duck feeding dance in my head...).

    yes, she is. i can't remember her name right now, but i shop and chat there all the time. i mentioned the idea to her, and she sounded interested in a regular-ish gathering as well. she called it "outreach", which made me smile.

    no, i still havent gotten around to creating a blog. i was just uploading photos to my photo account so i could send them on to friends and family, and thought i'd search out "fredericton flood" because i was a bit bored.

    anyway, if you'd be interested in some kind of meet-ups during the summer, drop me a line [ or]. i'm leaving tomorrow for ottawa for a week and a half, but am planning a picnic at o'dell for the weekend i get back.


  4. A potluck at Odell sounds great. I may be able to scrounge up a couple of other veg-friendly types. I've been mostly offline for much of the past week with a houseguest from out of town, hence just responding to this now. I'll definitely drop you a line to exchange contact info.


Thanks for the comment! It will be posted once it has been eyeballed.